Fatal drowning, slips on wet surfaces, and diving injuries are tragic incidents that initially come to mind when you think about deadly pool accidents in Florida. However, a recent report published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveals another potential threat: Disease-causing bacteria that thrive in the chemically treated waters of public pools, hot tubs, and recreational water parks. From 2000-2014, there were 493 reported outbreaks associated with these venues in 46 states, including Florida. Eight victims lost their lives after suffering from such infections as Legionnaires disease.
Property owners owe a legal obligation to those who enter upon the premises, which includes proper maintenance to prevent hazardous contaminants in water. If you lost a loved one due to disease-causing germs, it is important to discuss your rights with a dedicated Ocala, FL wrongful death attorney right away. You may also find it useful to review some information on the CDC report and pool safety tips.
Overview of the CDC Report on Outbreaks
In its May 2018 report, “Outbreaks Associated with Treated Recreation Water,” the CDC stated that it investigated 27,219 cases involving health conditions linked to contaminants in pools, hot tubs, and water playgrounds. Gastrointestinal illness was the most common medical condition, occurring in 58 percent of the outbreaks. Other victims reported severe pneumonia, flu-like fever, rash, and swimmer’s ear. Eight individuals died of health issues related to the disease-causing bacteria; six of these victims contracted Legionella, the bacteria that causes Legionnaires’ disease.
Tips for Pool Safety at Pools and Recreational Water Facilities
The CDC report included some recommendations on how to protect yourself and your family from contracting the deadly diseases that are linked to swimming and playing in contaminated recreational water venues.
- Check inspection scores on public recreational water facilities to see if they have a history of reported outbreaks.
- Inspect the water yourself before getting in or letting children enter. Your nose is your most effective tool in detecting contaminants, so avoid the water if you detect any hint of foul odor.
- Do not swallow water while swimming, enjoying the spa, or playing at a water park. If you do accidentally ingest some, swish with fresh water.
Plus, the CDC added some tips on how to prevent being a cause of disease-causing bacteria in pools, hot tubs, and water parks. Don’t swim or let children swim if suffering from diarrhea. Though chlorine can prevent transmission of pathogens in treated water, Cryptosporidium can survive for up to seven days. This bacteria may be transmitted by ingestion of water after a diarrheal incident.
Contact a Florida Wrongful Death Lawyer Regarding Your Circumstances
If a family member died under circumstances indicating a breach of duty, please contact Piccin & Glynn, Attorneys at Law, in Ocala, FL. We can tell you more about your rights under Florida wrongful death laws, which may entitle you to recover for your losses. You can call us at (866) 225-645 or visit our website to schedule a free, no-obligations consultation with one of our knowledgeable wrongful death lawyers.