Even when the sun sets earlier in the Fall, Florida weather stays warm enough to enjoy walks in the evening. However, lower visibility at twilight and later at night make it difficult for motorists to see people on foot. In fact, statistics gathered by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that pedestrian fatalities are more common at night are from September 1 to November 30: More than half of fatal accidents causing death to a pedestrian occur between the hours of 6 p.m. to midnight. Though you cannot prevent all such incidents, there are some safety tips that can help you reduce the chance of being the victim of a pedestrian accident.1
1. Dress to be Seen: Since visibility is the biggest challenge for drivers at night, make your presence known by wearing bright clothing. If you walk often for fitness, consider investing in clothing that has reflective material woven into the fabric. You can also purchase reflective strips or patches, and sew them on to your workout gear.
2. Stay Off the Phone: Distracted driving is not just a problem for those behind the wheel. Even pedestrians need to avoid texting, talking on the phone, and surfing the internet while in motion. If you need to chat or send a message, stop in a safe spot and finish your task. All too often, pedestrians are struck by cars because they were on the phone and did not realize they were walking right into oncoming traffic.
3. Carry a Flashlight: You can overcome another visibility issue by taking a flashlight with you on your walks. Not only are you more noticeable, but you will be able to see dark areas that can contain uneven pavement, broken sidewalks, and other hidden hazards. If you like to keep your hands free while walking, you can purchase a headlamp that affixes the light to your forehead. For best flashlight efficiency, invest in one with an LED lamp that lasts many hours before you need to replace the battery.
4. Watch Out for Vehicles: If you are walking in parking lots or residential areas with driveways, keep an eye out for cars backing out of their spots. As motorists are moving in reverse, they may not see a pedestrian walking in their blind spot – which is, of course, a more serious danger at night.
5. Use Extra Caution at Intersections: Always look both ways and double check before crossing the street at an intersection. The junction of two or more streets tends to be more hazardous for pedestrians as they try to maneuver turning cars, and vehicles stopping and going.
Trust an Experienced Skilled Ocala, FL Pedestrian Accidents Lawyer
If you were injured in a pedestrian accident, you may be entitled to seek compensation for your losses. For more information, please call Piccin & Glynn, Attorneys at Law to set up a free consultation at our Ocala, FL office. You can reach us at 352-558-8480 or go online to learn more about our legal services in personal injury claims.