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Why vehicles may move too slowly

On Behalf of | Apr 15, 2020 | Car Accidents |

In some cases, driving too slowly on a Florida road or highway can be just as bad as driving too fast. Driving below the speed limit on a highway may cause vehicles to pass on the right, which could increase the risk of an accident. Traveling at speeds lower than the posted speed limit could also increase the chances of being involved in a road rage incident.

There are many reasons why a vehicle may be moving slower than others on a road or highway. For instance, a driver could be making a phone call or otherwise using a cellphone while his or her car is in motion. Using a cellphone can take a driver’s focus off of the road, which means that this individual may not notice other vehicles or pedestrians. Younger drivers may also be likely to drive at slower speeds because they are less confident in their ability to operate motor vehicles.

Seniors may not be able to put enough pressure on a gas pedal to drive at a reasonable speed. They may also have poor vision or other issues that require them to go slowly in an effort to avoid an accident. Individuals who encounter slow vehicles are encouraged to stay calm and attempt to alert the operators of those vehicles to their presence.

Individuals who are hurt in motor vehicle accidents may be entitled to compensation to pay for medical bills and other damages. These damages may include lost wages, lost future earnings and the cost of repairing or modifying a home or car. Victims may also be entitled to compensation for legal fees incurred in their efforts to obtain a settlement or jury award. Interest may accrue on any portion of an award that is deferred during the appeals process.
